Our History
The Harvard Band has a proud and happy history that dates back more than a hundred years.
It’s not an accident that the Band has engaged so many members for such a long time, and we’re eager for you to learn what makes the Band so special — to its members, to Harvard University, and to the Cambridge, Boston and New England communities.
Director Frederic L. Reynolds ’20
Manager P. K. McElroy ’20
Drill Master F. W. Hall ’20
Drum Major F. L. Reynolds ’20
Band plays for football and baseball games and gives several local concerts.
The football team wins the national championship, beating Oregon 7-6 in the Rose Bowl.
The “Black Sox” throw the World Series.
Band plays for two dances at the Union; travels to New York in August.
Director Frederic L. Reynolds ’20
Manager P. K. McElroy ’20
Drill Master F. W. Hall ’20
Drum Major F. L. Reynolds ’20
Personnel of 60 includes two wooden piccolos, a curved soprano sax, a small D trumpet, a C-sax and a bari sax.
Women are given the right to vote.
Director Frederic L. Reynolds ’20
Manager J. D. Chase ’22
Drill Master F. W. Hall ’20
Drum Major F. L. Reynolds ’20
Band leads “snake dance” against yAle.
Successful concert season includes third annual concert and dance at Union, and spring trip to Atlantic City and Baltimore.
First network radio broadcast originates from Boston.
Director Addison Simmons ’24
Manager A. Simmons ’24
Drill Master A. Simmons ’24
Drum Major A. Simmons ’24
James Joyce publishes Ulysses.
Band performs first military maneuvers.
Concerts include Tchaikovsky’s F minor Symphony and Grieg’s “Sigurd Jorsalfar” Suite.
Director Addison Simmons ’24
Manager A. Simmons ’24
Drill Master A. Simmons ’24
Drum Major A. Simmons ’24
Instrumentation includes two alto horns but still no sousaphones.
First motion picture with sound appears.
Addison Simmons ’24, after filling every senior staff position for two straight years, disappears and is never heard from again.
Director Ambrose F. Keeley ’27
Manager W.H. Kilman ’25
Drill Master A. Keeley ’27
Drum Major A. Keeley ’27
First free transportation and tickets to yAle and Princeton games away.
Seventy-five men in Band.
Gershwin writes Rhapsody in Blue.
First sousaphone appears.
Director Ambrose F. Keeley ’27
Manager F.B. Hill ’26
Drill Master A. Keeley ’27
Drum Major A. Keeley ’27
First use of popular music.
New tryout system is developed.
Scopes is put on trial for teaching evolution.
Concerts attempt to “bring to the Harvard graduates in New England cities the atmosphere of the football field.”
Leroy Anderson ’29 joins the Band as a trombone player.
Director Ambrose F. Keeley ’27
Manager R. Piper ’27
Drill Master A. Keeley ’27
Drum Major A. Keeley ’27
First recording made, for Victor Records, includes “Up the Street.”
Two xylophones and two banjos used as gimmicks at Dartmouth game.
First concert at New York Harvard Club before yAle game.
First aerosol spray can appears.
Director Harold Holland ’28
Manager S. Ganz ’28
Drill Master H. Holland ’28
Drum Major H. Holland ’28
First big Bass Drum acquired at meeting of Associated Harvard Clubs in Philadelphia.
Wright Briggs, later conductor and arranger, joins as a clarinet player.
Charles Lindbergh flies across the Atlantic.
Director Harold Holland ’28
Manager W.E. Roys ’29
Drill Master H. Holland ’28
Drum Major H. Holland ’28
First Band radio broadcast, from Roseland Ballroom in Boston, on December 4th.
Amelia Earhart flies across the Atlantic.
Guy Slade ’32, later drum sergeant, director, and drill master, joins as a piccolo player.
Director Leroy Anderson ’29
Manager L.F. Hubbard ’31
Drill Master L. Anderson ’29
Drum Major L. Anderson ’29
Band travels to Ann Arbor, Michigan, to support football team.
Malcolm Holmes ’28, later conductor, joins as a bass drum player.
Stock market crashes on “Black Tuesday.”
Director Guy V. Slade ’32
Manager L. F. Hubbard ’31
Drill master G. V. Slade ’32
Drum Major G. V. Slade ’32
With Guy Slade as director, baton twirler, and drill master, 74 letters are spelled during football season.
The word “Welcome” is learned and formed in five minutes at the stadium game with Michigan.
Arthur Fiedler is appointed conductor of the Boston Pops.
Band marches as only guest band in American Legion Parade.
Director Guy V. Slade ’32
Manager C.E. Smith ’33
Drill Master G.V. Slade ’32
Drum Major G.V. Slade ’32
Band sets national record by forming 76 letters during football season.
Slade tosses baton over goal posts 40 times without a miss in a two-year period.
The Empire State Building opens.
Band plays for Stanford as their band against Dartmouth.
Director Leroy Anderson ’29
Manager D. Pitcher ’33
Drill Master G.V. Slade ’32
Drum Major W. Tabler ’36
“Wintergreen for President,” arranged by Leroy Anderson, is first performed.
Franklin D. Roosevelt ’04 is elected President.
Other Anderson medleys emerge.
First glock joins the Band.
Director Leroy Anderson ’29
Manager E. Cutter ’34
Drill Master G.V. Slade ’32
Drum Major W. Tabler ’36
Band marches in civic NRA parade, lit by fire department’s truck from behind so the Band can read music.
Band serves as Eastern band on N.E. Baker’s unemployment relief national broadcast, picked up from Sanders Theater.
Hitler comes to power in Germany.
Director Leroy Anderson ’29
Manager M. Seymour ’35
Drill Master G.V. Slade ’32
Drum Major W. Tabler ’36
Band switches uniform from crimson sweaters, bow ties, and sailor hats to long ties, dark coats, and white trousers.
U.S. Marines are withdrawn from Haiti.
Director Leroy Anderson ’29
Manager R. Collins ’36
Drill Master G.V. Slade ’32
Drum Major W. Tabler ’36
The Social Security Act is passed.
Leroy Anderson chooses as his successor the only bandsman able to start the ensemble without the use of a roll-off.
Director Robert W. Snyder ’38
Manager H.M. Irwin ’37
Drill Master W. Tabler ’39
Drum Major H.M. Irwin ’37
Band plays for Tercentenary activities, including football exhibition, Charles River procession, parade to Yard, and formal exercises.
Anderson’s “Tercentenaria” is first performed.
Jesse Owens wins four gold medals at the Berlin Olympics.
Band first plays for basketball games.
Director Robert W. Snyder ’38
Manager M.B. Leggett ’38
Drill Master W. Tabler ’39
Drum Major R.A. Mansfielf ’38
Band travels to Baltimore for Navy game.
Authenticity of big Bass Drum is questioned in the press, especially the New Yorker.
Amelia Earhart disappears.
Leroy Anderson arranges more pieces.
Director James C. Gahan ’36
Manager C.D. Duffy, Jr. ’39
Drill Master W. Tabler ’39
Drum Major J.S. Lanigan ’39
Anderson arranges new Cornell and Princeton medleys for their respective games.
Other original arrangements done by Elkan Turk ’39 for the Virginia game and Schyler Pardee ’39 for the yAle game.
Band spells “We are wet” at game during downpour.
Hitler annexes Austria.
Director James C. Gahan ’36
Manager R.M. Peebles ’40
Drill Master J.W. Holt DMD ’42
Drum Major T. Sendak ’40
Two new bass drums and officer’s white coats are provided by Band Trust.
Hitler invades Poland, starting World War II.
New music includes Penn Medley, second Dartmouth Medley, and Service Medley (for Army game) by Anderson, and music for yAle by Harold Shapero ’41.
Princeton trip includes New York via boat, concert at Harvard Club of NYC.
At yAle, the Band spells “Harvard” moving the length of field with a different Harvard song for each letter, and forms E-L-I in script (as if skywriting).
Director James W. Holt DMD ’42
Manager W.P. Bernton ’41
Drill Master M.P. Brown MBA ’42
Drum Majors J.S. Lanigan ’39 / S. Cowan ’42
R.D. Fosberg ’41 arranges medleys for Amherst, Michigan, Dartmouth, and Brown games, later featuring “Little Brown Jug” as fugue.
Joing drill with Michigan band at Cambridge.
The British invent radar.
Draft regulations produce “We’re in the Army Now” at Army game.
Joint H and Y perform Star Spangled Banner together for the first time at yAle.
Director James W. Holt DMD ’42
Manager T.C. Peebles ’42
Drill Master M.P. Brown MBA ’42
Drum Major S. Cowan ’42
Band salutes Red Cross (a departure from rule of never supporting national organizations).
Spells “Keep ’em Flying” for Navy and forms airplane with drum major twirling baton as the propeller.
Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and the U.S. enters the war.
Director Malcolm Holmes ’28
Manager J. Mead ’43
Drill Master G.V. Slade ’32
Drum Major S. Cowan ’42
Band leads 4,000 men from Harvard units onto field for Army game.
New Service Medley by Anderson dedicated to all Harvard men in uniform.
U.S. wins the Battle of Midway; invades North Africa.
Band plays two Yard concerts with Glee Club in May, meets informally during summer and twice plays twilight serenades for Navy in Yard.
Naval unit band takes over during war time.
Ed Chastagner, member of Pierian and the Band, serves as drum major and drill master.
Naval unit band includes civilian members, among them John Finnegan ’47.
Allies invades Italy in ’43, then Normandy in ’44.
The Philippine Islands are recaptured.
Transitional period.
Ersatz group performs at Ersatz football season (two games).
Allies win the war.
Director Malcolm Holmes ’28
Manager T. Howard ’47
Drill Master G.V. Slade ’32
Drum Major J.A. Finnegan ’47
Band reformed after three-year lapse by Tom B. Howard ’48, french horn, and Jay Skinner ’48, baritone horn.
Malcolm Holmes and Guy Slade are persuaded to return to revitalize the Band.
Nazi leaders put on trial at Nuremberg.
Band records “Ivy League” album. John Finnegan, later Band arranger for twelve years, joins the Band.
Director Malcolm Holmes ’28
Manager W.J. Skinner ’48
Drill Master J.R. Overcash ’49
Drum Major W. Reinhardt ’47
Band performs concert in Richmond before Virginia game, with a brief performance on the Capitol steps in Washington during the same trip.
Holst’s “Suite in E Flat” and Anderson’s “Radcliffiana” performed in Symphony Hall in concert with Radcliffe Choral Society.
Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier.
Paul Touchette, Cambridge fireman and future bandie for fourteen years, joins the Band.
Director Malcolm Holmes ’28
Manager J. Borgatti ’49
Drill Master J.R. Overcash ’49
Student Conductor R.E. Herrman ’50
Drum Major W. Reinhardt ’47
Band plays Symphony Hall concert, featuring C. Rossiter ’52 as bagpiper.
Jack Finnegan’s new medleys for Boston University and Rutgers are played.
The nation of Israel is established in Palestine.
Director Malcolm Holmes ’28
Manager P. Finney ’50
Student Conductor R.E. Herrman ’50
Band holds 30th reunion at Army game.
Communists under Mao Tse-tung were victorious in the Chinese Revolution.
Football Band is 150 strong.
Band records Cushing Academy songs, arrangements by Jack Finnegan.
Performs in New York for National Association of Manufacturers.
Director Malcolm Holmes ’28
Manager P. Lucey ’51
Drill Master W. Handelman ’53
Drum Major T. Barry ’52
“Up the Street” march album recorded and “Ivy League” and “Half-Time” albums reissued.
“Substitutions Unlimited” drill at Army game.
The Korean War begins.
First “Golden Gloves” appearance in Lowell.
First “Drum Beats and Song” performance at Radcliffe Student Council show.
Band plays at Wellesley Winter Carnival, and at a concert in Springfield with the Mount Holyoke Glee Club.
Band purchases famous white coat for Mal Holmes.
Another summer Band organized.
Director Malcolm Holmes ’28
Manager F. Hopkins ’52
Drill Master W. Handelman ’53
Drum Major T. Barry ’52
Band moves into Varsity Club quarters (9 Prescott St.) from cramped space in Music Building.
Army football given to Band by Lloyd Jordan after victory.
First Brown game “bash” at Weld boathouse.
Band gives informal concert at end of season, plays Moussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition at Dartmouth concert.
Collier’s magazine gives Band publicity.
General MacArthur is relieved of command in Korea by President Truman.
Director Malcolm Holmes ’28
Manager D. Hastings ’53
Drill Master W. Handelman ’53
Student Conductor P. Strauss ’54
Mal Holmes is too ill to do Dartmouth concert; Pete Strauss takes over as substitute.
U.S. develops the hydrogen bomb.
Band performs in “Drum Beats Song” again; first concert in Symphony Hall for Harvard Club of Boston Scholarship Foundation.
First performance of “Harvard Pops,” arranged by G. Wright Briggs.
Paul Touchette Jr., ’60, joins the Band to provide a father-and-son team of performers.
Mal Holmes dies in June, mourned by all bandsmen and those enriched by his zeal and skill.
Director G. Wright Briggs ’31
Manager P. Strauss ’54
Drill Master S. Singer ’54
Student Conductor P. Strauss ’54
Drum Major L. Corser ’54
Wright Briggs is installed as new director.
Band is arrested in New Haven after early morning high jinks en route to the Columbia game.
The new President Pusey and his wife appear at the Band party after the Brown game, somewhat to the consternation of merry-makers.
“Commercials on Parade,” arranged by Finnegan, is introduced at the Dartmouth concert.
“Bands on Parade,” a parody of fast-stepping units, done by Finnegan for the yAle Bowl.
U.S.S.R. develops the hydrogen bomb.
Band performs drill on skates in Boston Garden for yAle hockey.
Band plays Symphony Hall concert again.
Director G. Wright Briggs ’31
Manager A. Novick ’55
Drill Master R. Rogers ’56
Student Conductor R. Blacklow ’55
Drum Major G. Nimtz ’57
35th Reunion draws large alumni Band.
“Tunes Through the Years” production number by Finnegan features “echo” trumpets.
First senior Christmas party in Wellesley.
Band leads parade in South Boston on Evacuation Day.
“Between the Halves” album session in Symphony hall includes medleys by John Finnegan and Wright Briggs.
The big Bass Drum expires and is replaced by a new, improved, and BIGGER version.
Senator McCarthy attempts to root out communists in government but is censured for going too far.
Director G. Wright Briggs ’31
Manager A. Aronson ’56
Drill Master R. Rogers ’56
Student Conductor W. Sechriest ’56
Drum Major G. Nimtz ’57
Band switches to handsome blazers with drum emblems.
During hazardous plane trip to New York to perform at Harvard Club, embarrassing one-hour delay is filled by Frank Hatch ’19, good friend of the Band, in NY.
Band makes long trip in rickety cargo plane to Loring Air Force Base in Maine for concert on Armed Services Day.
The U.S. sends troops to train South Vietnamese forces.
Massachusetts medley arranged by Loring T. Briggs ’41.
Band records 45 rpm album, including Briggs March, later published as “Concord and Lexington.”
Director G. Wright Briggs ’31
Manager S. Dills ’57
Drill Master W. Ernst ’57
Student Conductor P. Gold ’57
Drum Major G. Nimtz ’57
Band plays in Carnegie Hall in New York (with Glee Club), playing new Bernstein music with the composer himself in the audience.
Band plays early season concert for Connecticut Savings Banks Association convention in New Hampshire, and takes spring tour to Albany, Buffalo, and points west.
Trip in May to Associated Harvard Clubs meeting in Washington; performance at Dumbarton Oaks.
Band performs at Red Sox opening-day game.
U.S.S.R. invades Hungary.
Director G. Wright Briggs ’31
Manager K. Lane ’58
Drill Master N. Douglas ’58
Student Conductor J. Connolly ’58
Drum Major A. Pratt ’58
First Band telecast over WGBH-TV from old studios near M.I.T.
First artificial satellite, “Sputnik,” is launched.
Symphony Hall concert includes Roger Voisin as guest soloist and conductor.
Band takes long tour to Connecticut, Detroit, and Chicago.
Prop crew borrows R.O.T.C. rifles and carries them at Princeton game to protect Bass Drum.
Director G. Wright Briggs ’31
Manager G. Kirklin ’59
Drill Master N. Douglas ’58
Student Conductor M. Gilman ’59
Fidel Castro seizes power in Cuba.
Disastrous fire in the Band Room occurs after first game of the season.
Band headquarters move to 54 Dunster Street for a short time.
Band performs preseasons concert in Maine for Massachusetts Savings Bank Association.
Band joins M.I.T. band on WGBH Christmas telecast.
Leroy Anderson is guest conductor at Symphony Hall.
Director G. Wright Briggs ’31
Manager C. Hagaman ’60
Drill Master R. Raynolds ’60
Student Conductor P. Cobb ’60
Drum Major J. Bassett ’60
Fortieth reunion game gets soaked by rainstorm.
Dartmouth concert presents former student conductors plus Fred Reynolds, Jack Finnegan, and Leroy Anderson.
Alaska and Hawaii are admitted to the Union.
Lowell House quad concert features 1812 Overture and includes Russian bells of Lowell tower as a special effect.
Wright Briggs conducts final concert on Class Day and retires as director.
Director James Walker AMT ’63
Manager P. Johnson ’61
Drill Master R. Haedrich ’61
Student Conductor P. Cobb AM ’62
Drum Major S. Barnes ’62
James Walker assumes direction of the Band; his Midwestern background becomes a mine for humorous show material.
Dean’s office forbids presence of women on overnight Band trips.
Communist guerrillas from North Vietnam launch attacks on the South.
Concert Band operates with restricted membership, inaugurates concert series at Boston Latin School (without headmaster in audience) and concerts in Concord and Barnstable.
Spring tour features bone-jarring ride to Milwaukee and Chicago.
Sanders Spring Concert highlights include Prokofiev, Hanson, Hovhaness, Williams, Holst, and Berlioz.
Director James Walker AMT ’63
Manager B. Shirk ’62
Drill Master M. Marmor ’62
Student Conductor P. Cobb AM ’62
Drum Major S. Barnes ’62
First annual Columbia riot takes place when overzealous Harvard University Band prop crew destroys Columbia’s mock drum.
Band forming bunny appears in Playboy; New York Times features “male” and “female” symbols formed by the Band.
New soda machine in the Band Room dispenses beer.
Band truck bites the dust and is sold for a pittance.
Band records “Salute to the Ivy.”
Wind Ensemble is organized.
The Berlin Wall is constructed.
Band threatens to boycott Commencement activities.
Band uniform changes to dark pants, much to the consternation of returning alumni.
Director James Walker AMT ’63
Manager E. Alpers ’63
Drill Master S. Saltonstall ’63
Student Conductor P. Farrow ’64
Drum Major A. Salvo ’64
Harvard Athletic Association underwrites cost of truck, police escort, and free “date” tickets for all home games.
Band gets itself arrested again at yAle, but this time, bandsmen bring bail money with them.
Kennedy faces Cuban Missile Crisis.
Separate Wind Ensemble concerts begin.
Concert Band plays at Thayer Academy, Lexington, New Hampton, and Wayland.
Director James Walker AMT ’63
Manager E. Flitton ’64
Drill Master D. Ward ’64
Student Conductor P. Farrow ’64
Drum Major R. Rosen ’65
Heads of Bass Drum shrink off for tenth time, forcing Band to acquire plastic heads.
Band travels to New York Harvard Club by train before the yAle game; word of Kennedy’s assassination filters through the train.
Show was to have been on political troubles of a “Son of Harvard.”
Somber yAle game is held one week late; Band plays Trauersinfonie by Wagner.
Director James Walker AMT ’63
Manager B. Herr ’65
Drill Master T. Whyatt ’65
Student Conductor D. Solosko ’65
Drum Major R. Rosen ’65
45th reunion deluges Band with alumni.
Band installs large instrument cabinets.
Athletic Department agrees to pay for meals and lodging on away trips.
Band plays Carnegie Hall with Columbia band, premiers Copland’s “Emblems” for the East Coast.
Harvard University Band Foundation formed, with Leroy Anderson as first president.
Warren Report says Oswald acted in Kennedy’s assassination.
Director James Walker AMT ’63
Manager C. Case ’66
Drill Master D. Adcock ’66
Student Conductor J. Gerdes ’66
Drum Major L. Grenzeback ’68
Watts erupts in race riots.
Band shifts to social commentary and avant garde wit at football games (from medleys and original musical material).
Band is invited to play in two performances at Boston’s “Winterfest” in New War Memorial Auditorium.
Spring Tour takes Band through Northeast to Washington, D.C., and Cleveland.
University agrees to “hire” Band for commencement week.
Director James Walker AMT ’63
Manager L. Nadler ’67
Drill Master H. Quigley ’67
Student Conductor N. Miller ’67
Drum Major L. Grenzeback ’68
Last-minute cancellation of Cornell band results in fifteen minute halftime Sousa show (loyal fans expecting the best — or worse — react obstreperously to the sight of the Band merely playing — no naughties).
U.S. maintains heavy bombing of North Vietnam.
Concert Band “comes of age,” cuts its teeth on Hindemith’s Symphony in B Flat, and Kurt Weill’s Three Penny Opera.
Director James Walker AMT ’63
Manager J. Finley ’68
Drill Master G. Sellon ’68
Student Conductor D. Grimes ’69
Drum Major L. Grenzeback ’68
Concert Band and Wind Ensemble inaugurate Sanders Concert Series, perform Theme and Variations by Schoenberg and Tunbridge Fair by Piston.
First Super Bowl is won by Green Bay.
Director James Walker AMT ’63
Manager R. Whittemore ’69
Drill Master D. Tuckwiller ’70
Student Conductor D. Tuckwiller ’70 / D. Archibald ’70
Drum Major R. Cole ’70
Playboy prints Band’s Princeton show in full, with caption, “Wish we’d been there!”
Wind Ensemble plays all Stravinsky pieces in Paine Hall Series, with Sigurd Rascher soloing.
Concert Band Spring Sanders Concert “struck out” by general student strike.
“Concert for Winds” album issued.
Band members fly in from all parts of the country (after leaving for summer) to perform at final graveside services for Robert Kennedy at Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, D.C.
Director James Walker AMT ’63
Manager T. Feige ’70
Drill Master M. Silver ’70
Student Conductors D. Archibald ’70 / J. Posner ’71
Drum Major R. Cole ’70.
Band celebrates 50th reunion.
General public celebrates Woodstock and the moon landing.
During football season, Mickey Mouse jumps out of tuba.
Formations include “HAND” goes to “JOB” as Band plays “Come Together.”
Schneider’s Band is broken up by police in Chatham during solar eclipse.
Band plays at the Varsity Drag handicap at Suffolk Downs.
Director Frank Battisti
Manager J. Dills ’71
Drill Master J. Olson ’71
Student Conductor J. Posner ’71
Drum Major W. Westin ’71
Women are admitted to the Band!
Their uniforms include black miniskirts.
At one banquet, the award for “fooling Mom” (getting away with not quite full uniform) went to a woman who wore a blue miniskirt — it was so short that her jacket hid the entire offending piece of clothing.
The Chicago Seven are acquitted on riot changes.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager K. Martin ’73
Drill Master R. Horn ’72
Student Conductor D. Gaylin ’72
Drum Major L. Larmore ’74
Thomas G. Everett arrives as new director of the Band.
Bangladesh secedes from Pakistan.
Tom forms the Harvard Jazz Band.
The Concert Band plays a concert in conjunction with the Princeton band in Lincoln Center, New York.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager K. Martin ’73
Drill Master S. Seicol ’73
Student Conductor D. Herrington ’73
Drum Major P. Ramirez ’74
Band gets coverage in Progressive Labor Party (“A Revolutionary Communist Paper”) for “supporting communism” in halftime show.
A brawl between the opposing bands breaks out at the yAle game.
A break-in occurs at the Watergate Hotel.
Band plays United Fund concert.
“The Stripper” is banned from hockey games after one enthusiastic audience member takes it all off during a performance.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager S. Rainie ’74
Drill Master L. Johnson ’74
Student Conductor T. Pedulla ’75
Drum Major P. Ramirez ’74
Brown bandies, disguised as ABC sports producers, steal the Drum with the unwitting aid of Sam Coppersmith, future manager.
The drum is recovered and Sam feels suitably sheepish.
Band plays Brown band in hockey (and smashes them).
Abortion rights are established with Roe v. Wade.
Marry Barry twirls baton during football season.
The Band plays at the world premiere of The Paper Chase.
ABC covers the Band’s Cornell halftime show (as Band spells “ABC”).
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager G. Russell ’75
Drill Master T. White ’75
Student Conductor T. Pedulla ’75
Drum Major D. White ’75
At the 55th Mom jumps out of cake on the 50-yard line.
President Nixon resigns.
Peter Schickele, of P.D.Q. Bach fame, is commissioned to write a work in honor of the 55th.
Sam Palafian plays Asleep in the Deep on the Big Tuba.
Band plays on the ice at the yAle hockey game.
Jazz Band tours the Dominican Republic.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager S. Coppersmith ’76
Drill Master J. Cronin ’76
Student Conductor T. McGrath ’76
Drum Major T. Barrette ’77
Band roster reaches 200.
Harvard football team captures Ivy League title.
At Princeton show, audience sings Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony in German along with Harvard Band.
Band Endowment Fund is instituted.
U.S. civilians are evacuated from Saigon, marking the end of the Vietnam War.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager R. McDonald ’77
Drill Master R. Minard ’77
Student Conductor J. Barbash ’78
Drum Major T. Barrette ’77
Band pulls “stunt of the century” when Stud Con Barbash, dressed as Leonard Bernstein, lands a helicopter on the 50-yard line at the Brown game.
Stadium audience believes he really is Bernstein.
yAle steals the Drum before the Game.
Carter pardons draft dodgers.
Band plays at Concord to commemorate 200th anniversary of Harvard’s relocation during the revolution.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager D. Glor ’78
Drill Master T. Russell ’78
Student Conductor J. Barbash ’78
Drum Major C. Vincent ’78
Elvis dies.
Band gets stuck in traffic jam and is an hour late to Harvard Club concert.
Wind Ensemble plays at McGill University in Montreal.
Band plays for fencing matches, swim meets and field hockey, as well as ice hockey and basketball. (Harvard beats top-ranked Penn.)
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager S. Cohen ’79
Drill Master E. Harris ’79
Student Conductor C. Kelly ’80
Drum Major B. Shepard ’79
Part of the Band goes to Stanford with Harvard men’s basketball team.
Band writes “Harvard” in script at Penn game.
Camp David Accord establishes peace between Egypt and Israel.
Band plays yAle band in hockey (resulting in a tie).
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager D. Wasserman ’80
Drill Master T. Cole ’80
Student Conductor C. Kelly ’80
Drum Major N. Gaudet ’80
Diane Wasserman becomes first woman to be named manager.
Drum Major Gaudet takes the field on a rearing white stallion for the “Lone Ranger” show.
Five hundred Iranians storm the U.S. embassy in Tehran and hold hostages for 444 days.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager D. Green ’81
Drill Master D. Hirshhorn ’81
Student Conductor P. Torvik ’81
Drum Major P. Micou ’81
The Band gets thoroughly drenched as rain dampens the games at Princeton, Dartmouth, Cornell, and Brown.
The US Olympic hockey team has its “miracle on ice;” the Band has its own “miracle” when it takes to the ice at yAle in bathing suits and leis.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager M. Ellard ’82
Drill Master D. Pinto ’82
Student Conductor M. Seltzer ’83
Drum Major R. Stemmens ’82
Schneider J. Dotson ’82
Band roster reaches 300.
Band plays Born to Run.
The space shuttle Columbia successfully completes its first mission.
Band eats giant chocolate moose at yAle game.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager A. Murphy ’83
Drill Master M. McClung ’83
Student Conductor P. Reale ’83
Drum Major L. Sperber ’83
Schneiders K. Abbott ’83 / L. Millett ’83
Band plays for the Red Sox opener.
Federal court ruling breaks up AT&T.
ABC covers Band at Holy Cross game, deeming show “Halftime of the Week.”
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager C. Clark ’84
Drill Master D. O’Brien ’84
Student Conductor R. Reetz ’84
Drum Major E. Harris ’84
Schneider R. Bloch ’84
Band does show about car-bombed Marines in Lebanon and Korean Airlines flight 007 shot down by U.S.S.R.
P.A. system garbles this show, and University officials threaten the student-run status of Band.
Band begins submitting shows for censorship to Dean Epps.
Band plays basketball halftime show at yAle.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager P. O’Brien ’86
Drill Master C. Warner ’85
Student Conductor M. McDonald ’85
Drum Major W. Moore ’86
Schneider M. Shaw ’85.
65th reunion.
Fight Fiercely is introduced as a fight song at the Brown game.
U.S.S.R. boycotts Los Angeles Olympics.
People from I.B.M. donate money so the Band can buy a personal computer.
“Toast to the Ivy” is released; the album is the first full collection of all the Ivy medleys and Harvard’s fight songs.
Literally 1984.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager J. McCafferty ’86
Drill Master S. Sheagren ’86
Student Conductor C. Stern ’86
Drum Major G. Breen ’86
Schneider P. Prince ’86
At sparsely attended UMass game, Band makes 3-D formations in the stands at Soldier’s Field.
Live Aid concert makes $70 million for African relief.
Harvard hockey team makes NCAA final game at Providence, accompanied by the Band.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager A. Houck ’87
Drill Master N. Jussim ’87
Student Conductor R. Lowe ’88
Drum Major C. Walther ’87
Schneider R. Serfeddine ’87
Harvard holds 350th anniversary celebrations, including the Band in the festivities.
Prince Charles waves to the Band during an all-English music concert.
At the NCAA Consolation game in Detroit (which Harvard wins), the Minnesota band cheers to Harvard, “That’s all right; that’s OK; we’ll outdrink you any day.”
The Harvard Band responds, “But we don’t like milk.”
Band ponchos are introduced.
Charles White ’74 donates money for a Band video recorder.
Space Shuttle Challenger explodes.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager E. Page ’88
Drill Master I. Jones ’89
Student Conductor R. Lowe ’88
Drum Major M. Keem ’88
Schneider M. Benander ’88
Coldest yAle game ever leaves some bandies singing the halftime show after their instruments freeze.
Legend has it that bandies turned to alums’ whiskey–and put it on their valves in an attempt to unstick the frozen pieces.
Despite subzero temperatures, the team captures the Ivy League crown.
The first annual Ski Trip is organized.
The stock market crashes.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager C. Berkenstock ’89
Drill Master J. Gerace ’89
Student Conductor R. Fecher ’89
Drum Major J. Bernstein ’89
Schneider Z. MacRunnels ’89
Phil Wilson solos at the first Trombone Day.
Dan Quayle becomes Vice-President.
Band celebrates 69th reunion (slogan: “69 and still blowing”), plays for the Harvard-Duke basketball game.
The Band plays for Harvard hockey as it captures the NCAA title in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager J. Chen ’90
Drill Master J. Nicklaus ’90
Student Conductor N. Whitmire ’90
Drum Major P. Brown ’90
Schneider D. Korfhage ’90
70th reunion
Band performs in parade for U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.
Score is introduced as a fight song.
The Berlin Wall falls.
Staff fills the manager’s office with worms.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Jim May ’91
Drill Master Scott Berney ’91
Student Conductor Paul Asimow ’91
Drum Major Dan Hurwitz ’91
Schneider Laura Brooks ’91
Band plays in Cheers parade celebrating the show’s 100th episode; plays for Harvard Basketball against Duke again.
The Band forces its way inside Crimson for a surprise gig.
U.S. forces invade Panama.
Stud Con Asimow jumps to fame with Brown-Eyed Girl arrangement as Band makes references to Brown prostitution ring in halftime show.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Kim Petersen ’92
Drill Master Jeff Schnipper ’92
Student Conductor Jill Oxley ’92
Drum Major Jamie Bell ’92
Schneider Pete Kolovos ’92
R-A-D, arr. Finnegan, is introduced as a fight song – Band now sings “Oh Radcliffe, our alma mater…” at football games.
Band “wins one for the Schnipper” as Dr. Seuss halftime show is played on National Public Radio.
At yAle marching practice, Band marches backwards through three feet of mud.
The U.S.S.R. is disbanded.
The Drum leaves for California to be fitted with new heads.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Victor Hwang ’93
Drill Master Jonathan Koppell ’93
Student Conductor John Pottow ’93
Drum Major Dave Greene ’93
Schneider Holly Blumenthal ’94
The Drum returns, tanned and rested, in time for football season.
Saturday Night Live trombonist Steve Turre plays at Trombone Day.
Harvard singing groups join giant chorus line at yAle.
Band leads John Lithgow in first Arts First Parade.
Manager Hwang helps found Spirit Committee at Harvard.
The last line of Fair Harvard on Commencement programs reads, “Clam rising through change and through storm.” (emp. added)
Riots erupt in Los Angeles.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Cammie O’Connor ’94
Drill Master Adam Kissel ’94
Student Conductor Melika Fitzhugh ’94
Drum Major Craig Coldwell ’94
Schneider Holly Blumenthal ’94
The Midwest is flooded.
The Band plays for the dedication of the John F. Kennedy Museum, attended by the Kennedys and President Clinton.
Bill waves at the Band.
The Band’s phone number is changed to 496-BAND.
The Band travels to Minnesota for NCAA Hockey Final Four.
Vice-President Al Gore conducts the Band at Commencement.
The Band mourns the passing of Alice B. Tondel, “Mom.”
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Anne Eakin ’95
Drill Master Duane Stewart ’95
Student Conductor Grant Dixton ’96
Drum Major Bill Cook ’95
Schneider Mike Ronan ’95
The 75th reunion is a big success, as the Band plays 1812 Overture with hydrogen balloons exploding to the cannon shots.
O.J. Simpson trial soars in Nielsen Ratings.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Grant Dixton ’96
Drill Master Dave Strong ’96
Student Conductor Mike Soss ’96
Drum Major B.J. Priester ’96
Schneider Corey O’Hara ’96
The Harvard Band taunts Holy Cross with Under The Sea, Yellow Submarine, and Tide is High.
Upon returning to Cambridge, the Band finds the Band Room flooded.
Drum Major B.J. Priester terrorizes Canadian geese on the practice field.
Canadian geese terrorize B.J. Priester.
The Bagpipe Cheer appears.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Brady Hunsaker ’97
Drill Master Cyrus Mody ’97
Student Conductor Rachel Lebejko ’97
Drum Major Catharine Hornby ’97
Schneider Emily Stebbins ’97
Summer Olympics are held in Atlanta United States.
Ebay started.
First ever cloning of a mammal Dolly the sheep.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Martha Bohm ’98
Drill Master Leonard Lu ’98
Student Conductor Daniel Garvey ’98
Drum Major Dalton Courson ’98
Schneider Joel Sawady ’98
Football team bulldozes through the Ivy League, setting several records in the process.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Kate Wiswell ’99
Drill Master Morgan Goulet ’00
Student Conductor Mark Simon ’99
Drum Major Rebecca Gaines ’99
Schneider Karin Johnson ’99
The Band travels to the NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament as #16 Harvard upsets #1 Stanford in the West regional.
Stanford band jams with the Harvard University Band afterwards.
Band plays in the Lampoon’s inaugural “Real Man of the Year” award ceremony.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Kevin Daly ’00
Drill Master Todd Sangster ’00
Student Conductor Shalla Santos ’00
Drum Major Morgan Goulet ’00
Schneider Jeanna Emert ’01
The Band begins playing regularly at women’s hockey games.
Band goes to Minnesota to cheer on the women’s hockey team to its first national championship, parties with the team afterwards.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Lisa Card ’01
Drill Master Danny Rhodes ’01
Student Conductor Kris Gauksheim ’01
Drum Major Jenn Doxtader ’02
Schneider Jenn Doxtader ’02.
Y2K passes without the serious, widespread computer failures and malfunctions that had been predicted.
first crew to live on the International Space Station (ISS) arrives in space.
Control of the Panama Canal joining the Pacific and Atlantic oceans is handed over to Panama after 75 years of US control.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Alisha Creel ’02
Drill Master John Morris ’02
Student Conductor Jenn Doxtader ’02
Drum Major Nate Meyer ’02
Schneider Matt Withers ’01
The first football game, against Holy Cross, is cancelled after the attacks of September 11th.
The football team goes on to win all of its games, finishing 9-0 for its first perfect season since 1913.
Seniors get their first victory over yAle in four years.
At the halftime show during the game against Penn that decides the Ivy championship, new Harvard President Larry Summers’ pants nearly fall off as he plays Red Rover against Harvard professors.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Courtenay Kessler ’03
Drill Master Courtney Roberts ’03
Student Conductor Chris Lamie ’04
Drum Major George “Bud” Vana ’03
Schneider Erin Morgan ’03
The Band plays for former President Bill Clinton at an IOP event.
The men’s swim team requests the Band play at its Ivy League meet, and the Band plays for the men’s lacrosse game against Princeton.
The Band travels to North Carolina for the women’s basketball NCAA tournament, and a largely crusty Band cheers on the men’s hockey team in Worcester.
The Band organizes its own foosball league.
The Columbia band makes national news with its risque halftime show.
Dean Harry Lewis “flogs the dog” at the yAle halftime show immediately before the bulldog is destroyed by a chainsaw.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Dave Nierenberg ’04
Drill Master Chris Lamie ’04
Student Conductor Jack Miller ’04
Drum Major Diana Fridberg ’05
Schneider Matthew Dewitz ’05
The Band travels to Albany for the men’s hockey Ivy Championship.
The Band plays for Lewis Black at the IOP.
Halftime shows become more props intensive, putting renewed focus on Prop Crew.
At the Columbia game, the Band performs with the UVA Pep band (disbanded earlier that year after performing a skit mocking West Virginians at the Continental Tire Bowl).
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Matthew Katcher ’05
Drill Master Clark Rosensweig ’05
Student Conductor Jamie Silver ’06 / Josh Rissmiller ’06
Drum Major Matthew Dewitz ’05
Schneider Katie Sullivan ’06
The Band goes to Providence to cheer on the women’s hockey team in the national championship.
The 85th Reunion is a success.
Onward Crimson is introduced.
The Red Sox win the World Series for the first time in 86 years, and the Band plays at the impromptu celebration in Harvard Square.
The football team is undefeated and wins The Game for the fourth time in a row.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Katie Sullivan ’06
Drill Master Josh Rissmiller ’06
Student Conductor Brett Wortzman ’06
Drum Major Mark Geyer ’06
Schneider Frances O’Donnell ’07
Hurricane Katrina.
YouTube was founded.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Kathryne Bevilacqua ’07
Drill Master Justin Caram ’08
Student Conductor Kenton Hetrick ’07
Drum Major Lauren Morris ’08
Schneider Kobey Shwayder ’07
The World’s Largest Baton was built and used during the Lafayette show.
The yAle show includes a 30ft. hand of God.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Kamber Vittori ’08
Drill Master Matthew Fasman ’08
Student Conductor David Daniels ’09
Drum Major Kristen Rose ’08
Schneider Grace Schroer ’09
The Band played at the first football night game under the lights at Harvard Stadium.
The Band also celebrated John Harvard’s 400th birthday with a teenage John Harvard driving his wagon around Soldier’s Field to the tune of “Ridin’ Dirty” at the Princeton Game.
Against Dartmouth, we honored Leroy Anderson’s 100th birthday by playing Sleigh Ride and Harvard Medley at Halftime.
And most importantly the Band ensured future generations would stay dry and stylish by retiring the old ugly red ponchos and investing in proper raincoats.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Grace Schroer ’09
Drill Master Max Mishkin ’09
Student Conductor Laura Garvin ’10
Drum Major Greg Dyer ’09
Schneider Mike Small ’09
The Band travels to Duluth, MN for the Women’s Frozen Four.
JK Rowling compliments the Band’s performance of former StudCon David Daniels’ Harry Potter arrangement at her honorary degree dinner.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Alex Ahmed ’10
Drill Master Brad Oppenheimer ’10
Student Conductor Hannah Horowitz ’11
Drum Major Caitlin Lewarch ’10
Schneider Shaun Vigil ’11
At the Senator’s request, the Band plays for Ted Kennedy’s special honorary degree ceremony, only the fourth such event in Harvard’s history.
The Band returns to the basketball court with its first basketball halftime show in 25 years, and performs at softball and women’s volleyball for the first time in history.
With these and other sports, the Band plays for 12 Crimson teams during the year, its largest recorded total.
In the fall, the Band plays at Harvard’s first official Freshman Convocation.
The 90th Reunion is a success, as 200 alumni return to Cambridge for the event.
Harvard Eternal is introduced.
The Band cheers the football team on to victory over yAle for the eighth time in the past nine matchups, its best streak since 1922.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Christine Son ’11
Drill Master Andrew Maher ’11
Student Conductor Jennifer Houpy ’12
Drum Major Matthew Trout ’11
Schneider Elizabeth Moroney ’12
The Band plays at the memorial services for Dr. Allan R. Robinson ’54, co-author of the Verse 1 of Ten Thou.
The Band temporarily relocates to the Dance Studio above the OFA when 74 Mt. Auburn floods following a torrential downpour in July.
The Band makes its first ever appearance at a Polo match, supporting the Harvard Polo team in a match against UConn in Newport, and managing to play Fight Fiercely 4 times in a span of 6 [chukkers](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chukker).
Prop Crew builds a 32-foot-long set of 3D glasses at the Holy Cross night game, a full metal Iron Man costume with working light at the Cornell game, and a fine array of Wizard of Oz-themed props at the yAle game.
Harvard beats yAle for the fourth year in a row.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Rachel Hawkins ’12
Drill Master Duncan Watts ’12
Student Conductor David Abarca ’13
Drum Major Tatyana Avilova ’13
Schneider Glenn Bogardus ’12
The Band performs halftime at the final regular season basketball game of the year and propels the team to beat Princeton to get its first ever share of the Ivy League Championship.
At the Bucknell game, the Band celebrates Harvard’s 375th birthday, along with Tom’s 40th year as Director of the Band.
Bill Murray and Jim Downey show up to the Cornell game; Bill Murray calls Verse Two whilst conducting.
At the game against Dartmouth, the Band perseveres in the wake of extreme weather, celebrating a successful performance of the halftime show in a snowstorm with red and green confetti.
The 128th playing of The Game is marked by the Band deterring a yAlien invasion and Harvard winning by 38 points.
Director Thomas G. Everett
Manager Garrett Morton ’13 / Nina Khosrowsalafi ’13
Drill Master Christopher Murray ’13
Student Conductor Max Wang ’13
Drum Major Nina Khosrowsalafi ’13 / Elizabeth Moroney ’12-’13
Schneider Catherine Flynn ’13
The Band travels to Albuquerque and plays for the Harvard Men’s Basketball team at Harvard’s first March Madness bid in 66 years.
All Harvard University Band instruments get repaired, and the Larry Millett Memorial Low Brass Fund donates four new tubas and two new baritones.
The Band gigs with the Princeton band in a fountain, performs Harvard Medley in Soldiers Field for the first time in over a decade, and plays only Christmas music for halftime at Penn.
Prop Crew builds a giant spatula and converts it into a harpoon for the yAle game, gutting and destroying Moby Dan on the field.
Interim Director Mark E. Olson
Manager Allyson Freedy ’14
Drill Master Jack Davison ’14 / Ian MacGillivray ’15
Student Conductor Louis Coppersmith ’14
Drum Major Kimberly Johansson ’15
Schneider Kathryn Wendorf ’14.
In February Our Director Tom Everett retires after 42 years of service to the Harvard University Bands.
The Band travels with Harvard Women’s Hockey to the NCAA Hockey quarterfinals at Boston College and also with the Harvard Men’s Basketball team to Salt Lake City, witnessing Harvard Basketball’s first NCAA tournament victory.
The Band plays for the kickoff to the Harvard Capital Campaign Launch in September and supports the local Boston community marching in the Allston-Brighton Parade.
The Band presents the world premier of the Katzenjammer Prelude, composed by Jim Stephenson, commissioned in memory of the late and beloved Crustie Janet Katz ’77.
Taking to the ice, the Band performs a hockey “halftime” show, demonstrating the newly invented sport of Giant Curling.
In the Fall, the Band plays a romantic medley to underscore the magic of a surprise proposal as a Crustie pops the question and dons more beards than the Red Sox for the Princeton game.
Prop Crew builds a giant Viking boat and viciously slays the yAle dragon, leading to the seventh consecutive victory.
Interim Director Mark E. Olson
Manager Theo Gerome ’15
Drill Master Ian MacGillivray ’15
Student Conductor Annie Rak ’16
Drum Major Scott Johnson ’16
Schneider Garrett Maron ’16
Over spring break, the Band sojourned to Spokane, where they inspired the basketball team to a second straight first-round win in the NCAA tournament (and along the way bonding with the North Dakota State band over laser tag and pizza).
As the weather warmed, the Band spread cheer throughout Boston on Duckling Day, even playing for a marriage proposal along the way.
In the Fall, the Band successfully celebrated its Ninety-Fifth Reunion, refusing to let inclement weather dampen the mood.
The Montage Concert saw the debut of the new fight song Mt. Auburn March, written for the occasion.
The rest of the season saw a series of adventures over half-time shows, ranging from a murder mystery in the woods of Hanover to fighting the supervillain Gràdê D’flación in Princeton.
The culmination was the Band infiltrating and sacking yAle via the use of a Trojan Bulldog, with the team registering its eighth straight victory on a fourth-quarter drive (in a game that served as the host for that week’s edition of ESPN Gameday, including an appearance by the Band).
Director Mark E. Olson
Manager Paul Meosky ’16
Drill Master Gianina Yumul ’16
Student Conductor Mattie Newman ’17
Drum Major Paul Smith ’17
Schneider Joe Palana ’17
For the fourth year straight, the Band accompanied the Men’s BB team to March Madness – this year at Jacksonville, FL.
The beachfront hotel was remarkable, the drinks (21+) with Andy Vatistas memorable, and the sunburns regrettable.
The Band returns to the happy news that Harvard University Band ’15 will sing the alma mater at Commencement and meet Class Day speaker Natalie Portman.
Fall brought an invitation to herald the Lampoon’s “Emperor of Comedy” – the inestimable Jimmy Fallon, who fell in the midst of conducting “Wintergreen,” broke his bottle of spirits, slashed open his hand, and left a bloody handprint on the cymbals.
The Band kept the audience awake at a record number of night games with renditions of TuneSaq jams such as Clean Bandit’s “Rather Be”, Walk the Moon’s “Shut Up and Dance”, and “The 1812 Overture.”
In the Penn-Ultimate game of the season, the Band seized a once-a-century opportunity to commemorate “Penn 15,” but unexpectedly low turnout and insufficient spacing resulted in a faux pas featured in national news.
A week later, the Band returned to the stadium to cheer the team on to a 9th straight victory over yAle and an unprecedented 3rd consecutive Ivy League title (shared with Penn and Dartmouth).
The Game brought about the show-of-all-shows, with the Band defeating Handsome Cerberus, the three-headed bulldog guarding the gates of Hell – a.k.a., New Haven.
Director Mark E. Olson
Manager Andy Li ’17
Drill Master Greg Scalise ’18
Student Conductor Elena Sokoloski ’18
Drum Major Maryrose Robson ’17
Schneider Jonathan Nessralla ’18
The Band spent spring break touring throughout the Northeast, cheering on the women’s basketball team at Hofstra University before heading north to Lake Placid for the ECAC hockey tournament, culminating in day trip for an NCAA tournament berth in Worcester for the men’s hockey team.
The fall featured a record-setting ten-bang word ladder show, some balloon theft at Princeton, and a thunderous rendition of Holst’s Mars, The Bringer of War.
Unfortunately, the Crimson fell to yAle on the gridiron for what felt like the first time in living memory, but as we all know, the Band always wins, and it was without question the Band’s best year yet.
Director Mark E. Olso
Manager Diondra Dilworth ’18
Drill Master Changseob Lim ’19
Student Conductor Nathan Wolfe ’19
Drum Major Christine Zheng ’18
Schneider Brandon Kim ’19
The Harvard men’s hockey team earned a berth in the NCAA Frozen Four in Chicago; the Band was absent as their plan to fly there was foiled by bad weather at Delta’s hub in Atlanta.
Nonetheless the Band had another trip up its sleeve, embarking on a West Coast Tour that summer through Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco.
Performances at two Boys & Girls Clubs were highlights of the tour.
In the fall, halftime shows included a eulogy for the old Taylor Swift and a farewell to departing President Faust, suggesting our own director, Mark, as her replacement.
Finally, the yAle game saw the Band embark on a nautical quest, with Prop Crew ultimately slaying a gigantic blue squid.
Director Mark E. Olson
Manager Albert Chalom ’19
Drill Master Emily Valentin ’20
Student Conductor Joanna Tao ’19
Drum Major Aidan Connaughton ’19
Schneider Finn Weber ’20
In March, the Band traveled to the Palestra in Philadelphia to support the basketball team in the Ivy League Tournament, and Harvard suffered a narrow loss in the final round vs Penn.
Come fall, ice and rain caused the Band to miss pregame at Dartmouth and forced them to leave at half time.
The Game was held at Fenway Park this year, and the Band took to the field to play Sweet Caroline, The Middle by Zedd, and music from Les Mis.
The Harvard football team defeated yAle to break a two-year drought.
Director Mark E. Olson
Manager Lucaian Al-Tariq ’20
Drill Master Reese Garcia ’21
Student Conductor Marcos Cecchini ’21
Drum Major Mariah Dimalaluan ’20
Schneider Selket Jewett ’21
Reunion Manager Jessica Bishai ’20
Fire at Notre Dame in France, destroys the spire and most of the roof of the 850-year-old cathedral.
Donald Trump became the third president in U.S. history to be impeached. (After a Senate trial in January 2020, Trump was acquitted of both charges on February 5, 2020.)
The U.K. prime minister Theresa May resigned over Brexit.
Protests in Hong Kong.
First all-woman spacewalk.
Director Mark E. Olson
Manager Bethany Jenkins ’21
Drill Master Jasmine Parmley ’21
Student Conductor Chris Chen ’21
Drum Major Nathan Lee ’21
Schneider Maddi Waskom ’22
Towards the beginning of this staff’s administration, Harvard abruptly forced all students off campus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Under the unpredictable climate of the start of the pandemic, the Band continued to make music online, meeting over Zoom and doing shows on Minecraft.
In fact, this staff reigned until winter break where a new staff would finally take hold.
Director Mark E. Olson
Manager Kelli Aquino ’22
Drill Master Dara Badon ’22
Student Conductor Jonathan Sedano ’23
Drum Major K. Stawasz ’22
Schneider Andrew Honold ’23
Online Band was still in full swing of Minecraft shows and online meetings.
Harvard slowly allowed students back on campus, and the Band began fall rehearsals on the lawn of LLH.
The Band wore Bertha masks.
Director Mark E. Olson
Manager Fatima Reyes ’23
Drill Master Victoria Oswald ’23
Student Conductor Kara Murray ’22
Drum Major Scott Wright ’23
Schneider Selorm Quarshie ’22.
This staff later evolved into:
Manager Selorm Quarshie ’23
Drill Master Victoria Oswald ’23
Student Conductor Kara Murray ’22
Drum Major Logan Qualls ’22
Schneider Rehan Zaib ’22
Then again finally:
Manager Selorm Quarshie ’23
Drill Master Victoria Oswald ’23
Student Conductor Kara Murray ’22
Drum Major Logan Qualls ’22
Schneider role was filled by the fabled Schneider Council consisting of the Weisses: Ja’Karri Pierre ’25, Travis Tucker ’25, Justin Su ’24, and Kyle Stevenson ’25.
US Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, eliminating constitutional right to choose abortion, in a 6-3 vote.
Queen Elizabeth II dies at Balmoral Castle after ruling for 70 years, as the UK’s longest-serving monarch. Her eldest son inherits the throne as King Charles III.
Russia launches a full-scale pre-dawn invasion by land, air and sea into Ukraine.
Director Mark E. Olson
Manager Luke Jackson ’24
Drill Master Ja’Karri Pierre ’25
Student Conductor Travis Tucker ’25
Drum Major Justin Su ’24
Schneider Kyle Stevenson ’25
Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak sign open letter warning the race to develop AI systems is out of control, asking for suspension for at least six months.
US Supreme Court rules 6-3 against the Biden administration’s student debt forgiveness plan for 40 million students.
Simone Biles wins all-round gold at the World Championships in Antwerp, Belgium, – becoming the most decorated gymnast ever with 34 world and Olympic medals.
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Together, let’s continue celebrating the traditions, milestones, and enduring spirit of the Harvard University Band.